
Angular Developer

Need Angular Developers for Hire!

Connect with our team to hire dynamic and skilled Angular programmers to quickly deploy a top-notch angular web application. Our angular developers are offered on a full-time or hourly basis under the time and material model.

Hire our team to work with angular experts including project managers, senior developers, and full-stack engineers. We also collaborate with other front-end developers, software architects, system engineers, and designers to make sure the product meets your needs. Our angular developers create robust, secure, and efficient applications.

Angular Development Services

We offer a range of services on python application development starting from initiation to deployment and review. We have our dedicated teams to look onto the following services:

Enterprise/Business Applications

An enterprise-level application to track, monitor and scale your business for improving performance.

Custom App Development

Our Angular JS developers provide secure, scalable, feature-rich, and user-friendly Angular web application development with their expertise.

API Development and Integration

We also develop an enterprise-centric and high-performance Angular base API to communicate faster with the backend and improve responsiveness.

Angular UI/UX Development

Our developers also design web and mobile applications with eye-catching themes using UI and UX expertise.

Why Angular?

Angular is a popular web development framework that has rich user experiences, cutting-edge features, fast responsiveness, and code maintainability. It is open-source that makes front-end web development more simpler and accessible.

ANGULAR Frameworks

Mobile Angular UI

The Mobile Angular UI helps developers build mobile applications using Angular JS and Bootstrap. This framework provides rich components and libraries which contains switches, sidebars, scrollable areas, overlays, and positioned top/bottom navigation bars.

Ionic Framework

Building native-like mobile applications becomes easier using Ionic which is an adaptive open-source software development kit that uses web technologies. It simplifies the entire process of front-end development.

Angular UI Bootstrap

Bootstrap is open-source front-end framework that includes components, layouts, and JS tools.


LumX is a front-end framework designed with Google’s material design which enables the developers to create UI that is fit Google’s guiding principles.

Angular Development for Any Industry

ACS is a software service team, and our company is open to making services for all kinds of industries according to the requirements of the user or the client. We have a team to work for a broad range of meeting all the needs and demands of the client. Our previous projects have been made for various purposes like

  • Finance and banking sector
  • Business and startups management
  • Healthcare and Pharma industries
  • Education
  • eCommerce
  • Retail
  • Telecom
  • Construction and Real Estate
  • Tourism
  • Entertainment
  • Logistics and supply chain
  • Transportation
  • Energy, Oil, and Gas
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing